Friday, October 23, 2009

Thank you Stephen

For those of you that like to listen to motivational speeches and podcasts about drawing, you should definitely check out Stephen Silvers UStream Videos. He gives some great insight into what he thinks about while he's drawing; he shares mentalities he's picked up over the years and also some wonderful stories with his listeners.

Here are some facial studies that I've been doing recently and I thought the would fit in well with this post. I had lots of fun doing these. Comments and critiques are as always more then welcome :).


stephen Silver said...

fantastic work here. keep it up and good luck with the malls. by the way, don't try to pay for a keosk, see if you can set up your own little space near any type of entertainment area for the kids. you will pay less rent then.

Bianca Siercke said...

Thank you so much for that idea and coming for a visit Stephen!! I'll call them on Monday and find out if that's possible :)

Gillian said...

I love the old lady and old man with the glasses! Aces 10!

pmaestro said...

nice character work bianca!

Peter Song said...

nice caricatures! nice and simple

Peter Song said...

nice caricatures! nice and simple!

Mario Richard said...

Hey Bianca, thanks for the comment, yeah I`ve known your name since Guillaume had done a work internship in Halifax. I`ve always loved your drawings and designs, they look very professional. I like your baguette guy and girl characters.

Tony Mitchell said...

Super stuff Bianca!!you're getting really good with the ink finish.

Bianca Siercke said...

aww thanks guys! Sorry I've been so slow in replying!

Gillian, the old lady is totally my favorite too. I think she knew I was drawing her and she told her husband to go look :)

Thanks Pat :D, was great to see you at sketching this week ^^.

Peter, thank you so much. The drawings on your blog on the brown paper are lovely!!

Hey Mario :D
I know I've already said this, but I love your caricatures! I did the guy with the baguette for my friend Mat. He dressed up as a french man for Halloween one year...and he also is french lol ^^ so it was all very fitting :D

Thanks for the compliment Tony! I still feel that I'm not doing the inking all that well. I still need to work on where I put the thick and thins. I enjoy doing these a lot though! :)