Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Sketching week 02

This weeks subject: Midsummer Nights Dream

I mainly concentrated on Titania and Nick Bottom, who head get's turned into a donkey.
Cheers ^^

Next weeks subject is PIRATES!


Guillaume said...

WOAH, what's that I see, a wealth of blog updates from Bianca!!! :D Keep it coming! I really like the girl doing a headstand a couple posts back, and the upside down Pocanhontas (haha!). This post's fairy and donkey pic is awesome too, I love the expressions, gestures and overal composition.

Bianca Siercke said...

Guillaume, thank you! How is your film going by the way? Have you started animation yet? I really love your life drawing on your blog btw!! Can't wait to see more!!

Laverathos said...

These are great, but that girl with the vines in her hair looks just like you.

Emily said...

you've got some great work here! enjoed the visit will most likely have to come back...